Saturday 28 March 2015

Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos

Hipster Art Biography


Margaret Thatcher in a sheer strapless top and leopard print bra, Winston Churchill in a pork pie hat and John F Kennedy with a hoop earring and a hipster haircut these are world leaders as we have never imagined them before.
Israeli artist Amit Shimoni created the series, depicting global political icons in the most improbable way possible, outfitted and styled in the latest hipster fashions.
The illustrator said he hopes to 'encourage us to reflect upon our leaders, our society, and ourselves' with his new set of unlikely artworks
The hipster subculture typically consists of white millennials living in urban areas. The subculture has been described as a "mutating, trans Atlantic melting pot of styles, tastes and behavior and is broadly associated with indie and alternative music, a varied non mainstream fashion sensibility, generally progressive political views, organic and artisanal foods, and alternative lifestyles. Hipsters are typically described as affluent or middle class young Bohemians who reside in gentrifying neighborhoods.
The term in its current usage first appeared in the 1990s and became particularly prominent in the 2010s being derived from the term used to describe earlier movements in the 1940s Members of the subculture typically do not self-identify as hipsters, and the word hipster is often used as a pejorative to describe someone who is pretentious, overly trendy or effete. Some analysts contend that the notion of the contemporary hipster is actually a myth created by marketing Zoot-suited hipsters in the 1940s. Nevertheless, "hip" eventually acquired the common English suffix -ster  and "hipster" entered the language.The first dictionary to list the word is the short glossary "For Characters Who Don't Dig Jive Talk", which was included with Harry Gibson's 1944 album, Boogie Woogie In Blue. The entry for "hipsters" defined them as "characters who like hot jazz. It was not a complete glossary of jive, however, as it included only jive expressions that were found in the lyrics to his songs.The same year, Cab Calloway published The New Cab Calloway's Hepster's Dictionary of Jive, which had no listing for Hipster, and because there was also a 1939 edition of Calloway's Hepster's (an obvious play on "Webster's") Dictionary, it appears that "hepster" pre-dates "hipster". Initially, hipsters were usually middle-class white youths seeking to emulate the lifestyle of the largely black jazz musicians they followed

However, the subculture rapidly expanded, and after World War II, a burgeoning literary scene grew up around it. Jack Kerouac described 1940s hipsters as "rising and roaming America, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere  characters of a special spirituality". Toward the beginning of his poem Howl, Allen Ginsberg mentioned "angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night". In his essay "The White Negro", Norman Mailer characterized hipsters as American existentialists, living a life surrounded by deat annihilated by atomic war or strangled by social conformity and electing instead to "divorce  from society, to exist without roots, to set out on that uncharted journey into the rebellious imperatives of the self"As hipsters, "young creatives", priced out of Bohemian urban neighborhoods in Brooklyn such as Williamsburg, Park Slope, and Greenpoint moved into suburbs near New York City such as Hastings-on-Hudson The New York Times coined the neologism "Hipsturbia" to describe the hip lifestyle as lived in suburbia. Dobbs Ferry, Irvington and Tarrytown were also cited.
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos
Hipster Art Hipster Tumblr Wallpaper Glasses Drawing Ideas Tumblr Girl Fashion Backgrounds clothing Haircut Beard Photos

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